Finalizing and ending a completed beamtime for a user

Required Information

PI last name, SAF number and bt_uid

xpdAcq will load in information automatically unless user delete bt_bt.yml file in xpdUser/config_base/yml/.

Goals of the Process

  1. Tar entire xpdUser tree with name <PIlastname>_<saf#>_<date>_<bt_uid>.tar
  2. Place a copy of the tarball into remote archive directory pe1_data/.userBeamtimeArchive/
  3. Verify that the archival copy is present and can be accessed
  4. Delete everything except under xpdUser
  5. Keep operator informed of what is going on

Process Steps

  1. Please have a rough idea about the file size of xpdUser tree. Get this information by right click on xpdUser folder in file browser.
  2. Type _end_beamtime() at command prompt. Program will start to archive (uncompressed) entire xpdUser. This process usually takes a while. Please be patient and wait until it’s finished
  3. After archiving, program will ask you to check remote copy. Please check if file size to remote copy is roughly as large as the size to local xpdUser tree.
  4. Now there could be two possibility
  • File size and contents of remote copy are confirmed to be consistent wit local tree

    Enter y in the inteactive command prompt then program will flush all directories under xpdUser and successfully end a beamtime.

  • File size or contents in remote copy appear to be inconsistent with local tree

    Please answer n in the interactive command prompt and program will stop at this point. No user data will be removed. Please report a bug on github