Databroker Export

Exporting a databroker is a good way to take your raw data home so it can be analyzed after the fact.

The easy way

  1. Mount your drive which you are going to store the data on

  2. Create a folder on your drive for putting the portable databroker into

  3. In a terminal start up bsui

  4. In a different terminal run portable_db_server <path/to/folder/on/mounted/drive

  5. Find all the headers you want copied (make sure that these headers include the darks and backgrounds, see below for more details)

  6. In the bsui ipython session run

import time
for hdr in hdrs:
    for nd in hdr.documents():
        # this is to make certain we don't overrun the server

This will send data to the portable db server which will then write the associated files into the folder

  1. Shut down the server once it is done copying files (use Ctrl+C)

  2. Unmount your drive

The hard way

  1. Mount your drive which you are going to store the data on

  2. Create a folder on your drive for putting the portable databroker into

  3. In a terminal start up bsui

  4. Find all the headers you want copied (make sure that these headers include the darks and backgrounds, see below for more details)

  5. In the bsui ipython session run

import io
import os
import yaml
p = 'path/to/mounted/disk/folder'
portable_template = """description: 'raw database'
        module: 'databroker.headersource.sqlite'
        class: 'MDS'
            directory: 'raw'
            timezone: 'US/Eastern'
        module: 'databroker.assets.sqlite'
        class: 'Registry'
            dbpath: 'raw/assets.sqlite'
            module: 'ophyd.sim'
            class: 'NumpySeqHandler'
with open(os.path.join(p, 'raw.yml'), 'w') as f:
pdb = Broker.from_config(yaml.unsafe_load(io.StringIO(portable_template)))
# hdrs is the headers that you want to export
db.export(hdrs, pdb, new_root=os.path.join(p, 'raw', 'data'))
  1. Once finished unmount your drive

Finding the headers

Make certain that you have all the headers you want otherwise you may need to do this all over again. Please see the databroker documentation for general searching queries. Here is an example

from xpdan.db_utils import query_background
# search for a bunch of sample uids
hdrs = []
for uid in ['thing1', 'thing2']:
    hdrs += list(db(sa_uid=uid))

# don't forget the backgrounds
bg_hdrs = []
for hdr in hdrs:
    bg_hdrs.extend(query_background(hdr.start, db))
hdrs += bg_hdrs

# and the darks
hdrs += [db[hdr.start['sc_dk_field_uid']] for hdr in hdrs if 'sc_dk_field_uid' in hdr.start]