Source code for xpdan.pipelines.pipeline_utils

import os
from collections import Iterable
from pathlib import Path

from bluesky.callbacks import CallbackBase

from xpdan.dev_utils import _timestampstr

[docs]def if_dark(doc): return doc.get('dark_frame', False)
[docs]def if_query_results(n_hdrs): return n_hdrs > 0
[docs]def if_calibration(start): # print("detector cal tf ================================") # pprint(start) # print('detector_calibration_server_uid' in start) # return 'is_calibration' in start return 'detector_calibration_server_uid' in start
[docs]def if_not_calibration(doc): return 'is_calibration' not in doc and 'calibration_md' in doc
# return 'calibration_client_uid' in doc # return 'calibration_server_uid' not in doc
[docs]def dark_template_func(timestamp, template): """Format template for dark images Parameters ---------- timestamp: float The time in unix epoch template: str The string to be formatted Returns ------- str: """ d = {'human_timestamp': _timestampstr(timestamp), 'ext': '.tiff'} t = template.format(**d) os.makedirs(os.path.split(t)[0]) return t
[docs]def templater1_func(doc, template): """format base string with data from experiment, sample_name, folder_tag""" d = {'sample_name': doc.get('sample_name', ''), 'folder_tag': doc.get('folder_tag', '')} return template.format(**d)
[docs]def templater2_func(doc, template, aux=None, short_aux=None): """format with auxiliary and time""" if aux is None: aux = ['temperature', 'diff_x', 'diff_y', 'eurotherm'] if short_aux is None: short_aux = ['temp', 'x', 'y', 'euro'] aux_res = ['{}={}'.format(b, doc['data'].get(a, '')) for a, b in zip(aux, short_aux)] aux_res_str = '_'.join(aux_res) # Add a separator between timestamp and extras if aux_res_str: aux_res_str = '_' + aux_res_str return template.format( # Change to include name as well auxiliary=aux_res_str, human_timestamp=_timestampstr(doc['time']))
[docs]def templater3_func(template, analysis_stage='raw', ext='.tiff'): return Path(template.format(analysis_stage=analysis_stage, ext=ext)).as_posix()
[docs]def clear_combine_latest(node, position=None): if position is None: position = range(len(node.last)) elif not isinstance(position, Iterable): position = (position,) for p in position: node.last[p] = None node.missing.add(node.upstreams[p])
[docs]class Filler(CallbackBase): """Fill events without provenence""" def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.descs = None
[docs] def start(self, docs): self.descs = [] return 'start', docs
[docs] def descriptor(self, docs): self.descs.append(docs) return 'descriptor', docs
[docs] def event(self, docs): d = next(self.db.fill_events([docs], self.descs)) return 'event', d
[docs] def stop(self, docs): return 'stop', docs
base_template = ('' '{base_folder}/{folder_prefix}/' '{analysis_stage}/' '{raw_start[sample_name]}_' '{human_timestamp}_' '[temp_{raw_event[data][temperature]:1.2f}' '{raw_descriptor[data_keys][temperature][units]}]_' '[dx_{raw_event[data][diff_x]:1.3f}' '{raw_descriptor[data_keys][diff_x][units]}]_' '[dy_{raw_event[data][diff_y]:1.3f}' '{raw_descriptor[data_keys][diff_y][units]}]_' '{raw_start[uid]:.6}_' '{raw_event[seq_num]:04d}{ext}')