.. xpdtools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Dec 28 12:06:17 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to xpdtools's documentation! ==================================== This project holds data processing tools and command line interfaces for processing data from images to integrated intensities and atomic pair distribution functions. The tools are put together via a ``streamz`` pipeline. Installation ============ ``xpdtools`` is installable via the ``conda`` package manager. If you don't have Anaconda (or miniconda) installed please follow the instructions from `Data Carpentry `_. With Anaconda or miniconda please enter into a terminal (on Windows Anaconda ships with a dedicated command prompt) and type ``conda install xpdtools -c conda-forge`` and follow the prompts. This will install the xpdtools software and all of its dependencies. Please check that the software is installed by typing in the terminal (in any directory), ``image_to_iq -- --help``. This should display a help description of how to use the ``image_to_iq`` command line interface. Quickstart ========== To use the command line interface (CLI) type ``image_to_iq ``. For more information about CLI options ``image_to_iq -- --help`` will provide the help information. Note that you will need pyFAI calibration files (``.poni`` files) which are generated via ``pyFAI-calib``. For most usages the pyFAI calibration is ``pyFAI-calib -D Perkin -w -c Ni ``. Please see `pyFAI's documentation `_ and see our `docs for how to use pyFAI `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Contents: tips_and_tricks xpdtools Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`