Test at the beamline


In terminal, run:

git clone https://github.com/xpdAcq/PDFstream.git

Create the environment:

conda create -f env-test.yaml
conda activate test_pdfstream

Install the diffpy.pdfgetx:

python -m pip install <diffpy.pdfgetx-xxxx-xx-xx.whl>

The repo PDFstream will be cloned. Then, install PDFstream from the repo:

python -m pip install -e ./PDFstream --no-deps --ignore-installed

Run servers

The configuration files are inside the PDFstream/pdfstream/data/config_files/ folder:

cd PDFstream/pdfstream/data/config_files/

Run the xpd server:

run_server xpd_server_pdf_beamline.ini

Run the xpdvis server:

run_server xpdvis_server_pdf_beamline.ini

Run the xpdsave server:

run_server xpdsave_server_pdf_beamline.ini

The order is not important here. The servers should be running in different terminal sessions.