ZMQ Proxy

The proxy works like a bridge between your data acquisition program and the server. It receives the data from the data acquisition and send it to the server.

Start the proxy

Before you start the server, you need to start the proxy first. The proxy is a server that transfers the message from the bluesky RunEngine to the server. Without proxy, the server cannot receive any data from the experiments.

To start a proxy, in terminal, run the following command:

bluesky-0MQ-proxy 5567 5568

The 5567 is the port where the proxy receives the message and the 5568 is the port where the proxy sends the message to. You can change the values according to the machine you are using.

Please remember the two ports because they are needed when you set up the server. Please also remember the address of the machine where you run the proxy if you are running server on a different machine.

If you would like to terminate the proxy, press CTRL + C in the terminal.

Run the proxy in background

If you are tired of running the command very time, you can run the proxy in background and detach it with the terminal:

nohup bluesky-0MQ-proxy 5567 5568 &

You will find some text showing up, press CTRL + C to end it. It won’t terminate the proxy. Then, close the terminal and the proxy will keep running in the background.

To terminate this proxy, in terminal, run command:

kill <job ID>

The <job ID> is a number that shows up after you run the command nohup bluesky-0MQ-proxy 5567 5568 &.